Optioner comes with some pretty eye catching features.
Table of Contents
- Initialization
- Error Handling
- Getting values of arguments (if any)
- Dealing with compulsory arguments
- Compulsion Overrride
- If this then not that
Optioner is initialised by importing and calling the options class.
# import the class
from optioner import options
# initialize
optionCTRL = options(args)
Optioner initialization syntax:
# arguments to pass upon initialization
class options:
def __init__(self, ...):
"""init function: This runs everytime the class is called.
shortargs (list): example: ['h', 'l', 'i', ...]
longargs (list): example: ['help', 'lock', 'init', ...]
gotargs (list): sys.argv[1:]
compulsory_short_args (list[str] | optional): compulsory short args
compulsory_long_args (list[str] | optional): corresponding compulsory long args
ignore (list[str] | optional): if these args are found, compulsion args will be overridden.
ifthisthennotthat (list[list[str]] | optional): if you have a condition where if a specific argument is provided, then some other argument cannot be provided.
Error Handling
Optioner parses the arguments, detects errors and returns them to the user to deal with them as they please instead of raising errors and ruining the aesthetics. XD
# all the work is done in the _argparse function of the options class.
class options:
def _argparse(self):
"""_argparse: checks all the arguments and stores error if any
actualargs (list): all valid args found.
argcheck (boolean): Boolean (True: all good, False: Found undefined args). NOTE: this can be used to determine if error has occured and then argerror can be displayed accordingly.
argerror (str): error note (if all good, no error note)
falseargs (list): wrong args if any. (if None, empty list)
Getting values of arguments (if any)
With optioner, you can easily get the values specified for argument options.
Suppose you have an argument named --infile
and the user is supposed to specify an infile or input file path after this argument, then optioner can easily fetch it.
Optioner can also fetch more than one values for a single argument.
This is achieved with the _what_is_
class options:
def _what_is_(self, arg:str, count:int = 1):
Returns the value of the argument that is passed.
arg (str): argument you need the value of
count (int | optional): no of values you are expecting. Default is one
str | tuple | None : returns value of argument or None
You can specify how many values you are expecting for one argument flag in the count parameter of _what_is_
returns a string if count is set to 1, which is default, Retruns a tuple if count>1 and returns none if no value is given to the argument flag.
Dealing with compulsory arguments
Optioner provides an option to set compulsory arguments which will be necessary for the script to run.
Suppose you have a script that takes two arguments -> ‘-s’ and ‘-d’. Your script needs the ‘-d’ option everytime it is run and hence it is compulsory for the user to provide this argument. However, ‘-s’ does not pose such a compulsion.
Here’s how to achieve this using Optioner:
# the _argparse module automatically checks if any compulsory argument is missing, and updates the errors
class options:
def _argparse(self):
# when all checks are done and all the variables have been updated.
# self._argcheck -> boolean -> True if no errors
# self._compulsory_short (compulsory short arguments) and self._compulsory_long (long versions of the compulsory arguments) must have atleast one element.
if self._argcheck and len(self._compulsory_short)>0 and len(self._compulsory_long)>0:
# since length of compulsory short and long list will be same (each short arg must have a longer version), lets just take either short or long to define a range
for i in range(len(self._compulsory_short)):
# if both short and longer version of an arg is not present in the found list of args, then generate error.
# NOTE: self._gotargs is the list of all args that are identified from the user given arguments.
if (self._compulsory_short[i] not in self._gotargs) and (self._compulsory_long[i] not in self._gotargs):
# store error and turn boolean variable to False (as there is error)
self._argerror = f'\'{self._compulsory_short[i]}\' or \'{self._compulsory_long[i]}\' argument is Compulsory'
self._argcheck = False
# make sure to break out of the loop. This means if there are 2 or more compulsory arguments
# then this code will generate error untill all the compulsory args are given
Compulsion Overrride
Even after defining compulsory arguments for your script/project, you might feel the need of some arguments which will bypass the compulsion and show some data or output or perform some other task.
For example:
‘-h’ or ‘–help’ arguments show the help text and doesn’t need bothering with the compulsion rules as the main task is not being performed.
This is achieved as:
# the compulsion bypass code is appended in _argparse function
class options:
def _argparse(self):
# if ignore args are present then ignore the errors
# self._ignore is the list of all args that can bypass compulsion
for x in self._ignore:
if x in self._gotargs:
self._argerror = 'no error'
self._argcheck = True
And Finally:
return self._gotargs, self._argcheck, self._argerror, self._falseargs
If this then not that
New (v1.4.2 and v1.4.4)
Suppose you want to have arguments that can only exist if some other argument is not there.
You have --server
argument which can not exist when --client
argument is there. Then this feature is for you.
This is achieved with:
class options:
def _argparse(self):
# if this then not that
## ifthisthennotthat = [[if this], [this cannot be there]]
# if ifthisthennotthat has pairs
if len(self._ifthisnotthat)%2==0:
for i in range(0,len(self._ifthisnotthat), 2):
ifthis = self._ifthisnotthat[i]
thennotthat = self._ifthisnotthat[i+1]
for x in ifthis:
if len(x)>2:
x = '--' + x
x = '-' + x
if x in self._gotargs:
for y in thennotthat:
if len(y)>2:
y = '--' + y
y = '-' + y
if y in self._gotargs:
self._argcheck = False
self._argerror = f'\'{x}\' and \'{y}\' cannot be used together.'
self._argcheck = False
self._argerror = 'ifthisthennotthat param value mismatch.'